- Deeds - 16
- Craft, Evans, Britt, Logue, McCurley, Outz, Quattlebaum
- Homestead Records - 4
- Evans, Britt, Albea
- Tax Records - 16
- Albea, Craft, Alexander, Powell, Shiflet, Britt
- Wills - 6
- Craft, Powell, Alexander, Cash, McCurley
- Church Record Books - 3
- including deeds, baptisms, membership lists, etc
- Albea, Britt, Barfield, Boatright
- Minute Book Records - 3
- Albea
- Marriage Records - 4
- Craft, Waters, Britt
- Estate Records - 3
- Boatright, Albea
- Civil War Pension - 6
- Craft, Powell
- assorted lists for soldiers and widows
- Maps - 1
- Lincoln County
- Death Certificates - 1
- Boatright
- years which are not online otherwise cost $25 dollars via mail
- Personal Affidavits - 1
- Craft
Almost as important, but which I cannot pin a number on, are the numerous documents which I know do not not exist in a particular record collection. It's always disappointing not to find a record, but it's still valuable information.

I think back to some of my most exciting finds, when I was literally bouncing in my chair in front of the microfilm reader. The Secretary of State wants to take away those moments from his citizens. It makes me sad.
Let's all do what we can to tell the politicians in Georgia that our state archive is important to us. Sign the petition, join the facebook group, and contact the governor, the sos and your local representatives today.
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