The DAR has Daniel's service description as "WIDOW REC LAND GRANT IN GA 1827." I found a transcript of the recipients of the land draw on the USGenWeb Archive Project. You can see Margaret and Nancy Boatright, Daniel's widow and child. Margaret is listed as "w.R.S.", or Widow of Revolutionary Soldier.

As far as my application process, I received a record copy in the mail on Saturday from the DAR. However, it was not the copy that I had requested. It followed the wrong lineage. I sent the DAR an email and they responded yesterday to say that they would send the correct copy. Hopefully I'll receive that soon. Once I have that, I plan to contact a local DAR chapter to discuss my application.
Once you get yours, I should get mine with all the same info :)
They're good about making things right when they make a mistake. Saw on Twitter that you got the right one. Good luck finding a chapter! If there are several in your area, it's a good idea to visit them all to see which one is the best "fit." They all have different personalities, so you'll want the one that feels right for you.
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