In 1958, the Hawhammock Baptist Church turned 116 years old! I recently re-subscribed to GenealogyBank, and found multiple interesting articles about the church and it's members. These articles confirm some information that I've seen floating around on the internet, including the fact that some of the founders of the church were my ancestor, Reuben Boatright and his first wife, Lacy Bishop.
The articles contain a lot of information, including names of current members, descendants of the original founders, the age of the building, photos of the building, and information about documents that the church held.
Specifically, I found it interesting that My Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Reuben Barfield, was said to have been living in Indiana. This could be an error, or it could be an opening into new avenues of research.
Because GenealogyBank.com uses OCR technology, I tried to keep my searches varied - and it paid off. For example, I searched for "Hawhammock" and "Haw hammock" and "Hawham ock." Because this church's name is so unique, I was able to simply search for one word. I broke this word up as it would have been broken up if the word reached the end of a line of type. This elicited quite a few new articles every time it tried something new.
Searching this way also turned up a number of obituaries of folks who were buried in the church's cemetery.
After finding these articles, I transcribed them and uploaded them to the GA USGenWeb Archives Project to share these articles with other researchers.
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