24 May 2009

Vexations of Childhood

There are certain things that I look back on from childhood that I regret. One of those is the way I treated my elementary school yearbooks. My parents always bought their children a yearbook each school year when they were available. I have copies of K, 1, & 4-12. The condition of the yearbooks... well, it's regrettable.

I have a vague memory of browsing through my Kindergarden and 1st grade yearbooks with pens, markers and scissors. Yup - I destroyed them! I remember wanting to "protect" and "preserve" certain pictures and memories. I cut out photos and drew all over the pictures of my classmates. Here's what's left:

Kindergarden (above) is mostly intact. I colored over most of my classmates, leaving my own image clean. I cut out the group photo and it is now missing.

First Grade (above) is almost all missing! I assume the blue arrow indicates where my photo was - before I destroyed it.

I think that I might need to make a trip to my old elementary school (nearby, thank goodness) to make copies of the pages that I destroyed. It won't be the same as having the original book intact, but it would be better than the way things are now.


Greta Koehl said...

I know the feeling. I have had to discourage my daughters from marking up their yearbooks, too. And, by way of "true confessions," my great act of destruction occurred during my college years (I can only claim rank stupidity as an excuse): I washed and dried one of my grandmother's patchwork quilts (single-bed size) in the washer and dryer of a commercial laundromat.

Ruby Craft said...

Well, it's sort of like the Holiday Barbies you use to get each year. You thought you would leave them in the box as collectibles so they would always be pretty. But the temptation was just to much. Barbies were made to be played with and school yearbooks were made to be written in....but Scissors????


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