Georgia Emanuel County Schedule of property belonging to William Britt as head of his family consisting your wife Permillia Brit and two minor children both under the age of sixteen years of age to wit Jesse & Rosa and claimed to be exempt from levy and sale under section 2040 of 1882 and the amendments thereto.his William X Brit mark attestE. L. Green Schedule of property one soral mare about 15 years old, head of Hogs and seventy dollars worth of provisions Beds and bedding and ??? bedstand s?? for use of family one spinning wheel one pair cotton ???, one hundred pounds lint cotton one cooking stove and fixture and lot of table crockery Wearing appairel of family one family bible and religious works and school books. Fifty bushels of corn one thousand pounds of fodder one table and set of chairs and one hundred dollars worth of household and kitchen furniture one family sewing machine one one horse waggon of the value of ten dollars. Two trunks two water buckets one looking glass one side Board all of less value than fifteen dollars and one clockFiled in the office a??? and recorded this 12 day of September 1893 John Bell Ordinary. |

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