Finding William's sister was rather easy. She was listed as "Mrs. Walter C. Ivie" in William's obituary, so I searched GenealogyBank.com for Walter Ivie and other variations. I quickly found an obituary for Nellie Love Albea Ivey in which her husband's full name was listed, as well as other information that indicated that this was the correct person.2 Now with a full name and death date, I sent off for Nellie's death certificate. Three months later (it's never taken so long before!) I received my GGG-Aunt's death certificate.3
Of course, what I was looking for were Nellie's parents. Would they be the same as the ones listed on William's death certificate: Thomas Albea and Sarah Corley (or Porley)? Well, yes and no. Thomas was the same, but Nellie's mother was listed as Adeline Pittman. Given that William and Nellie were born 18 years apart, it is extremely possible that they had different mothers.
This record has allowed me to decide that a previously found 1900 census record for Thomas T, Susan A, George E, Hattie L, and Nellie Albea was the correct family record that I'd been looking for.4 I've jumped to conclusions in my research before, only to find errors later. In this case, there have been many indications that this is the family I'm looking for - but I wanted proof! I knew from cemetery transcriptions of Bethany Methodist Church in Lincoln County, GA (also where Nellie is buried) that this couple is Thomas Tillman and Susan A Pittman.5 So, having a record that indicates that Nellie's mother was Adeline Pittman clinched it for me.

However - I don't believe that Nellie and William share a mother. Could Sarah P/Corley be Susan Adeline Pittman? Anything's possible, but in this case, I don't think so. Looking at the 1900 census record, I see that Thomas and Susan have been married for 16 years. This could be an error but again, I don't think so. Susan is said to have three children and there are three children listed - and that doesn't leave room for William. On top of that, the eldest child, George E, is three years older than Thomas and Susan's marriage. It would seem that unless this document is riddled with errors, Susan was not Thomas' first wife and she had another child not listed.
So, I had a few goals I my research continued:
- Continue to search for William Albea's mother, the elusive Sarah P/Corley.
- Continue to search for William's previously known siblings: Elbert and Edward
- Research the new siblings, Hattie and George E (could this be Elbert or Edward?) and another unknown sibling.
- Review older census records, such as 1880, that I believe show William with a grandfather and connect that man to Thomas T. Albea.
1. "Obituary of William A. Albea," The Greenville News, Greenville, Greenville, SC, 4 Aug 1936, Pg 11, http://www.flickr.com/photos/genealogyphotos/3503670570.
2. "Obituary of Nellie Mrs. Nellie Love Ivey," The Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Richmond, Georgia, 10 Apr 1947, Pg 3, http://www.flickr.com/photos/genealogyphotos/3865872134.
3. Certificate of Death for Mrs. Nellie Love Ivey, 9 Apr 1947, File No 8725, Georgia Department of Public Heath, http://www.flickr.com/photos/genealogyphotos/4611706757.
4. 1900 United State Population Census, Lincolnton, Lincoln County, George; p. 12 A, family 219, dwelling 214, lines 21-25; June 12 1900; National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls [via Ancestry.com].
5. Turner, Janice, "LINCOLN COUNTY, GA - CEMETERIES Bethany United Methodist Church," USGenWeb Archives. http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/lincoln/cemeteries/bethany.txt.
Sounds like you are making progress! Have you found Thomas and Susan in the 1910 census? It may indicate first/second/etc. marriage to let you know if you're on the right track.
Unfortunately, according to cemetery records, Thomas died in 1905. Susan died in 1916. She can be found in 1910 living with her son's family and Nellie.
Sounds to me like Hattie and Nellie might have the same mother....Susan Adaline. Married for 16 yrs, 3 children...Nellie, Hattie and possibly one that died in between the two?
I went to Family Search's GA Marriages at (http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#p=collectionDetails&c=fs%3A1674807)and I found Thomas T.s and Susan's marriage. They were married in Lincoln County on 18 Mar 1884. You might order their license, but I'd also order Thomas and Sarah Corley's! I found theirs at Family Search as well. They were married on 10 Sept 1867, also in Lincoln County.
I looked at the 1870 Lincoln Co. census and it appears that Thomas, aged 25 b. GA, is living with a wife named Sallie, aged 27 b. SC. Living with them is their daughter Hattie J aged 10 mos (b. Aug 1869) and a 20 yr old domestic named Elizabeth Crawly.
I think Sarah and Sallie are the same person since Sally is a well-known nickname for Sarah. Maybe start looking for her under the name Sallie as well?
I hope some of this helps...
Oh! Elizabeth CRAWLY -- Sarah 'Sallie' CORLEY......those two names are SO similar. Check that!
Thanks for the info on the marriage records. I had been looking at another source for these records and had not been able to find them!
As for the 1870 census - I've seen that one and it looks likely. I was a little confused by seeing Hattie again. I suppose it's very likely that this one died and another child was later given the same name... But another daughter by a *different* wife? Regardless, it does look like a match, especially considering their servants' surname.
Just hazarding a guess here, but the repetition of the name may be as simple as somewhere down the line, Hattie is a family name in Thomas's family? Just a thought.
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