My granny kept a framed photo of her and my pawpaw. When she passed away last year the family went through her things to divide them up. My aunt got the photo, but she knew that the rest of the family would like a copy. When she took the photo out of the frame, she found that my granny had stored some information in the frame. There were three pages of handwritten notes from her.
"To whom it may concern, Thomas Spurgeon Craft, and Sarah Frances Britt, were married Aug 11, 1940, Starr South Carolina, By Rev. Penlton, in his Home, wittness Claude Franke Craft and Shirly Greenway. It Rained for 2 weeks after and we had a fun time. / Ha."
"Charlotte had this picture Remade from a dogeared one Thomas had in wallet. Cost a fortune, But we loved it a log. I love all my children very much all Seven 7 of them, John always thought I didn't Love him, I hope he does Know now I did. I know the rest of you do. Love always mama."
"Well its 1981 made it one more year, Love ya'll 7. 'Happy New Year,' if me Die, (check Sears accident) about insurance, Liberty National, agent, 'Stovelle' John & Greg have some on them Too, I not sure how much."
What an amazing treasure your "mama" left you with the handwritten notes in the frame. What a special gift actually. Makes me want to check inside photo frames now!
How wonderful that your mama thought to leave this note behind the picture! I wonder if she told anyone or decided to just let you "accidentally find IT"?
Enjoyed the post.
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