I really hope that I already have the documents that I need. When I started to get organized for the DAR application process, I realized that I was missing some records. I've since sent off for a few of those, but the fees do add up. Here's what I've got:
- Myself
- birth certificate
- Father
- birth certificate
- Mother
- marriage license
- birth certificate
- Grandfather - Thomas S Craft
- amended birth certificate
- death certificate
- 1930 census (with parents)
- Grandmother - Sarah F Britt
- marriage license & certificate
- delayed birth certificate
- death certificate
- 1930 census (with parents)
- Great Grandfather - B E Craft
- death certificate
- 1910 census (with parents)
- Great Grandmother - Sally Ruth Evans
- obituary (lists parents)
- 1910 census (with parents)
- 2nd Great Grandfather - George "Bob" Craft
- 1870 & 1880 census (with parents, name variations)
- 2nd Great Grandmother - Effie Powell
- marriage license
- 1880 census (with parents)
- 3rd Great Grandmother - Rossie Alexander
- 1850 & 1860 census (with parents, name variations)
- death certificate (father's name is wrong)
- 3rd Great Grandmother - William A Craft
- marriage license
- 1860 census (with parents)
- 4th Great Grandmother - Elizabeth Cash
- 1850 census (with parents, initials only)
- father's will (lists her & husband)
- 4th Great Grandfather - George Alexander
- marriage license
- 1860 mortality census
- will (lists wife & children)
- 5th Great Grandfather - Moses Cash
- will (lists wife and children)
- deed (lists father)
- father's will (lists children)
- 5th Great Grandmother - Nancy Hudson
- marriage license
- 6th Great Grandfather - John Cash
- will (lists wife and children)
- pension file (gives service and BMD dates)
- deeds (lists son)
- 6th Great Grandmother - Lucy Campbell
- widow's pension (gives husband's service and BMD dates)
Looks great to me. Good luck!
Good Luck and keep us posted. My New Years Resolution is to GET MINE DONE !!
I need to get back to this project as well. Good luck - let us know how it turns out!
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